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About Me.

Hi, I'm Arunprakash, a UX designer with 10+ years of experience in designing digital products (web, mobile, and wearables) for domains like IT, Telecom, Health-care, Auto Insurance, Industrial Automation, & Taxation. I constantly looking for new ways to improve the user experience by collaborating with cross-functional teams to solve complex problems and create products that are simple and useable.

Hi, I'm Arunprakash, a UX designer with 10+ years of experience in designing digital products (web, mobile, and wearables) for domains like IT, Telecom, Health-care, Auto Insurance, Industrial Automation, & Taxation. I constantly looking for new ways to improve the user experience by collaborating with cross-functional teams to solve complex problems and create products that are simple and useable.

Hi, I'm Arunprakash, a UX designer with 10+ years of experience in designing digital products (web, mobile, and wearables) for domains like IT, Telecom, Health-care, Auto Insurance, Industrial Automation, & Taxation. I constantly looking for new ways to improve the user experience by collaborating with cross-functional teams to solve complex problems and create products that are simple and useable.

Apart from work, I like to travel and explore new places. I am a sports person who enjoys playing outdoor sports like cricket, badminton & volley ball. I have interest in photography and learning film camera quite recently.

Apart from work, I like to travel and explore new places. I am a sports person who enjoys playing outdoor sports like cricket, badminton & volley ball. I have interest in photography and learning film camera quite recently.

Apart from work, I like to travel and explore new places. I am a sports person who enjoys playing outdoor sports like cricket, badminton & volley ball. I have interest in photography and learning film camera quite recently.

Work Experience

These are the firms that have supported my personal and professional growth and development.


Senior UX Designer / Architect

February 2022 - May 2023


Senior UX Designer

August 2020 - January 2022


Senior UX Designer

March 2019 - July 2020

HCL Tech

Senior Technical Lead

March 2017 - March 2017


Creative Design Lead

October 2008 - March 2019


Graphic Designer
Jun 2007 - October 2018

My Design Process

My Design Process

  1. Understand

To get started with any project, I need to get the basics of understanding two crucial elements
  • Business Goals,
  • User's
  1. Research

User research is essential for the project/product/solution.
Few methods of user research:
  • Interviews,
  • User/Focus Groups

  • Survey's

  • Usability Testing

  1. Analyze

The information gathered in the last two stages are used to analyze by following methods like;
  • User Persona
  • User Journey Map

  • Empathy Mapping

  • Affinity Map

  1. Ideate & Design

Time to start defining the solution by;
  • Sitemap
  • User/task flow

  • Sketches

  • Wireframe

  • Visual design

and this would be iterate process.

  1. Prototype & Test

The solution or the product is prototyped to get the user's feedback (User Testing) and to present/demo for the business and Engineering teams. Once design approved the design assets and specifications are moved to the dev team for product development.
  1. Launch & Iterate

Before launch i make sure to address all the UX review feedback or any other issues are addressed.

Once, the product is launched we need to evaluate and iterate based on the findings.



Evaluation & Research

User Interviews
Card sorting
Competitive Analysis
Information Architecture
User Persona & Journey
Focus groups
Usability testing
Heuristic evaluation

Design & Strategy

Visual Design
Interaction Design
Story Boarding
User & Task Flow
Micro Interaction
Rapid prototype (Low / High fidelity) Design System & UI Specification

Prototyping Tools

Adobe XD
Axure RP
Adobe Creative Suite

© arunprakash - 2023 | Created in Framer by "Self Learning" | #Smilemore #BeHappy #Respect

© arunprakash - 2023 | Created in Framer by "Self Learning" | #Smilemore #BeHappy #Respect

© arunprakash - 2023 | Created in Framer by "Self Learning" | #Smilemore #BeHappy #Respect