Cognitive Claim Assistant (CCA)
Computer Vision based vehicle image analysis, Machine Learning models & Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automatically produce a detailed damage cost estimate in real time
My Role
Individual contributor.
As a User Experience designer, I teamed up with Business stakeholders, the Product Manager, Product Owner, Engineering Team, QA Team, and Release Team.
To start with we had a product workshop to understand the scope, create ideas, and to know more about the technology capabilities. Involved in presenting ideas to the stakeholders, User Research, Interaction Design, Visual Design, collaboration with the engineering team to have a final product per the approved designs, and Usability Testing.
Auto Claims & Auto Finance
Web Application
Tools Used
Sketch, Invision, Figma,
Zeplin, Azure, Miro, Zoom
9 Months,
Kick-off -> MVP -> Release v1.0
What problem did we solve?
Insurance industry is being disrupted due to a changing landscape and Digital is one of the key forces challenging the current operating model
In today's highly competitive insurance industry, efficient and accurate claims processing is crucial for customer satisfaction and retentionA
Loss of revenues and market share as customer retention impacted by long drawn process, multiple touch points and poor customer experience.
Estimate leakage due to non standardised & inaccurate cost estimates dependent on human judgment and inability to detect fraudulent claims upfront in the process.
Huge estimation costs due to the time put in by costly resources (adjusters) to prepare a damage cost estimate.
Why we want to solve this problem?
Leading to disruptive business outcomes and a transformative experience for the end customer.
My Design Process
As a team we have defined the business goals in the form of problem statement. I planned to conduct research to gain a deep understanding of the users and their needs. This helped me to know the users and understand what they need from the product.
Stakeholder Interviews
User Interviews
Competitive Audit
User Needs & Goals
Problem Statement
Feature definition
User Flow
Visual Design
My Design Process: Research
Stakeholders (Partners, PM, PO, SME), are the first level of information providers. They help in validating the hypothesis that keeps in align with the business goals.
User Interviews - In total i got to speak with 16 users (Appraisers, Reviewer’s & in-house SME). Interviews helped to valid the hypothesis and validating of the business goals.
Competitive Audit, is performed on the following application.
Clutter UI
Hard to follow the flow and progress
Hard to follow the flow and progress
No alerts functions
Confusing Nav
Lack of visual consistency
Out dated design

My Design Process: Analysis
** Synthesize
With all the notes and recordings from the interviews, I put everything in perspective, synthesized with
the participants, and created the personas, captured users needs, goals and pain points
My Design Process: Ideation
User flow
** Brainstorm
I started with getting few ideas after synthesizing the research, that would attempt to solve users’ problems.
This is done with the collaboration with other teams just to get few new ideas and suggestions.
My Design Process: Design & Feedback
Its time to bring the designs demo able for larger audience and do usability testing with the users. I used invision app to create prototype, then moved everything to Figma.
Concept Sketch's & Wireframe
Here are few concept sketchs presented to the business.
Visual Designs
The final designs for one of the approved solutions.
Partner & Business team is happy about the outcome of the product. This is highly taken by the higher levels in the company.
Users are very much interested to see this product in use soon.
AI Prediction Accuracy
AI prediction percentage is around 76% which little lower than the industry standards. Data analytics team is focusing on improving the overall percentage by labelling more number of images from the repository.
Team, tested with the vehicles in Indian roads too.
New Engagement
This solution has given business an opportunity to bring new clients/customers to utilise the product capabilities for their company in auto mobile sectors.
* One of the US leading car rental service company have tested to check their damages after the car is returned.
I got an opportunity to work and understand how machine language works and its impact to the application through technology.
Collaboration is also important aspect in User Research.
This is being my first product company i got an experience how an product evolve from initial stage till the release of the product live.
I need to work on many iterations which is good in a way. we were able to bring the desired output for both users and business.
I did see few technical constraints from the engineering team when the design is showcased to them for the development.
Getting users time and availability for the user research is tedious task.