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It is an Complaint Tracking Application. The mobile application is for raising complaints to ensure that issues affecting the daily lives of residents are addressed and resolved, making the locality a better place to live in.

My Role

It's a group endeavor involving three additional designers. We demonstrated this approach to the executives to exhibit product potential in the realm of eGovernance.




Mobile & Web Application

Tools Used

Pen, Paper, Voice recordings,
miro, Adobe XD, Figme,


3 months

© arunprakash - 2023 | Created in Framer by "Self Learning" | #Smilemore #BeHappy #Respect

© arunprakash - 2023 | Created in Framer by "Self Learning" | #Smilemore #BeHappy #Respect

© arunprakash - 2023 | Created in Framer by "Self Learning" | #Smilemore #BeHappy #Respect